
My name is Marsha and I live in the suburbs of Detroit. I am semi retired and have been curious all my life. I love learning and try to fit a little in each day.

I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I moved to San Francisco, CA at 19. In California, I lived in San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley. I went to and graduated from UC Berkeley. I moved to Detroit after living in CA for 8 years.

I live with my dog Bonnie who has been my companion for 13 years. I go out to listen to live music, especially jazz, and have been doing so for about 7 years. Originally when I moved to Detroit, It was the musical soul of Detroit that drew me in. Now I have the time to enjoy it all. We have a wonderful art museum, the Detroit Institute of Arts. It is in jeopardy of being dismantled by a state appointed financial overseer to pay Detroit’s debts. There are recently so many art galleries opening in the area.

I am also interested in politics both global and local and occasionally the news enrages me.

I have been getting more interested in food and cooking now that I have some time. I experiment with food and am getting more adventurous in my cooking.

I am learning to play the hammered dulcimer and enjoying the experience. I am beginning to play with others. I really enjoy going out for live music in Detroit, especially jazz. I try to get out several times a week. There are so many good venues in Detroit that there is jazz every night of the week.

I have a flower garden in my yard and enjoy the flowers.

28 thoughts on “About

  1. You sound like a very interesting person. I play guitar and piano. Blues is my favorite, but I’m liking jazz more and more. Thanks for following my blog. I’ll be back often.

    • I started with blues and still enjoy both blues and R&B. Jazz is the last few years. I do enjoy live music so much and I am lucky enough to live in a city where live music of all sorts is abundant and the cover charges are very low.

  2. Hi Marsha,
    Thanks SO much for all your posts about Concert of Colors! We greatly appreciate your attendance and thoughtful comments about your experience.
    kim silarski
    publicist, concert of colors

  3. I love your photograph in your theme. It is so very soothing with the snowfall, and yet is shows that quiet element of the city not often seen. My daughter toured Canada and the US with a former boyfriend who was promoting a hip hop CD that the two of them produced. They opened for Wu Tang in a group called Constant Progression.. She studied at University of Michigan for a couple of years and spent a great deal of time in Detroit and through her eyes I feel as if I have been there. Thanks for appreciating my post. We had fun with that prompt on The Community Storyboard.

    • I’m so glad your daughter got to see the Detroit that is not what the media portrays.

      I am just getting to consider the Community Storyboard. I did not have that intention when I started. I am reading and enjoying a lot of blogs including your blog. Each time I write, I find there is more in me. All I can hope for is that I am better than some of the wretched “spoken word” performances I have seen.

      With family members in the music business, I know your daughter and former boyfriend probably had some eye openers.

      • It was quite an experience for them. They learned that music and performing it is not always about glamor like you see on TV. They camped from homeless shelter to homeless shelter across two countries. They slept in their car or on city park benches a lot. I was worried sick, but glad for her to have had the experience and feel that she is a better person for having done so.

        The Community Storyboard is a cool place to hang out. I don’t get to visit everyday, other than to check up on what friends are doing, but I post there once in awhile. Charles and Ionia started it and they are two of the warmest most supportive bloggers you will find on WP…funny also. That is what I like most about the WP community, unlike other cold and sterile lonely blog spots…WP bloggers have a way of accepting and making one feel welcome.

  4. Thank you so much for the follow. I have enjoyed visiting your blog and reading about you. If you haven’t ever been to New Orleans Jazz Fest, my human mommy says to let you know that she very highly recommends it. You’ll love the range of music, the fabulous food, and the wonderfully fun people. Keeping my fingers crossed for the future of your magnificent museum and all of Detroit. Living near and loving New Orleans, we certainly know what it’s like when some people start to turn their backs on the place you love.

    • NOLA Jazz Fest is on my list. I have some musician friends there that I have known since I was 20. The Detroit Jazz Festival planned to celebrate the music of New Orleans the same year Katrina hit so many of the musicians couldn’t get here. The DJF invited quite a few back the next year. I met an outstanding young musician named Jean Baptiste who is now making a name for himself. We, like New Orleans, will continue. The Cleveland baseball fans were yelling Detroit’s Bankrupt during a recent Tiger game. We won and won again. I am afraid about the art and we are working to save it while our governor wants Detroit to fund a new stadium. What is happening is a major art explosion …. 7 new galleries this year..in part of the city. Don’t count us out. I will be reading your blog and sharing it with my silky terrier Bonnie who is beginning to insist on her own blog.

  5. What an interesting “About”, and blog. I will visit often! It’s engaging to follow blogs of those with varied activities, and different from mine. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  6. Thank you kindly for stopping by and following my blog! You sound like my kind of person, getting out into the world to soak up all the experiences life has for you and then some. I’m looking forward to so much more. Great “About” page!

  7. Marsha I finally got my PROcrastinating blog funked self over here to thank you for the follow and I discovered you have a wonderful blog. What is not to like here? You have a great sense of funny, you love FOOD and take great snaps of FOOD, you like R&B and jazz, and I enjoy your words. I have no idea what made you push the follow button on my wonky inconsistent blog but I thank you! I will be following you and reading with joy and a smile I am sure. I noticed some Motown posts I think. I am a huge fan of Smokey Robinson and of course love his music. Again thank you for the follow, it brought me here.. 🙂

  8. Thanks for the “peek-a-boo”! Please stop by again any time! I too am suffering in a snowy-freezing wonderland. Stay strong!

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